MIPROMALO, your special partner for providing quantitative supply of standardized materials and transforming your dream into a building!

Transfer of skills and opportunities for socio-economic integration in the local and innovative material sector.

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The Specialised Vocational Training Centre (SVTC) of MIPROMALO, authorised by Order N°0115/MINEFOP/SG/DFOP/SDGSF/SACD of 11 August 2010 of the Ministry of Employment and Vocational Training, seeks to ensure knowledge transfer, technical capacity building and competent human capital. Its mission is to train mid-level managers on techniques and technologies for using local materials in construction works and in the manufacture of processing equipment. The real challenge is the economic valorisation of local materials through the creation of innovative and competitive companies which provide employment.

Training on local material trades at MIPROMALO's SVTC is based on the dynamics of socio-professional integration of the youth. This vocational training is based on different fields and trades. To ensure successful training, MIPROMALO provides learners with a technical platform, a teaching staff, pedagogical assets, training courses and many other relevant aspects..


The Centre is open to holders of the CEP, CAP, BEPC, Probatoire, BAC /GCE AL and BTS for long-term training and to everyone pursuing further training. It offers training for bricklayers, job seekers, technicians in the building and public works sector, building material producers, teachers in technical schools, development and construction project managers.

Training areas

In terms of the architectural nomenclature of training applicable to the MIPROMALO Specialised Vocational Training Centre, three main training categories can be identified.

  1. Vocational training diploma (long term training)
  2. Short-term training
  3. Specialised training


The SVTC is equipped with the following facilities

  • A state-of-the-art technical platform (production units and analysis laboratory).
  • Modern and equipped classrooms;
  • An equipped computer hall;
  • A team of qualified trainers;

Admission according to training cycle and duration

Vocational training

Fields (courses)


Admission level

Certificates awarded



9 months of training, plus 3 months of compulsory internship

Open to all

Vocational Qualification Certificate (VQC) from MINEFOP


Building, roads and engineering structures

·  CAP

·  GCE O Level

Building Technician


Mechanical Manufacturing

· BAC Technical Specialist

· GCE A Level in relevant field


 Sustainable Construction

· BAC Technical

· GCE A Level in relevant field

Short-term training 

Fields (courses)


Admission level

Certificates awarded


Roofing carpenter


3 weeks to 5 months

First cycle general and technical education

Training certificate awarded by MIPROMALO





3 weeks to 5 months

First cycle general and technical education


pre-cast concrete 

3 weeks to 5 months

All levels


Earth masonry and finishing (A)


3 month


Earth masonry and finishing (B)

3 month

Primary, first and second cycle general and technical

Earth masonry and finishing (C)

1 month

Training of trainers


Brick production

1 month

All levels

Specialised training

Type of training


Admission level

Certificates awarded


Training of central service officials

01 week to 3 months depending on the needs

Holder of an engineering degree or equivalent.

Training certificate awarded by MIPROMALO


Training of technical service officials: 


Training of trainers

3 month

Local material trades

The training trades offered by MIPROMALO's SVTC are summarised in the tables below per sector :

Fields (courses)



1.    Potters, Ceramists ;

2.    Brick/CEB/ concrete pre-cast manufacturers or producers

3.    Preliminary analysis managers of raw materials (materials laboratories)

4.    Company managers/production managers

5.    Teachers.


1.      Bricklayers (CEB, fired bricks, blocks) ;

2.     Company manager/ local material construction manager

3.     Tile, ashlar or pre-cast concrete laying technicians

4.     Carpentry and tile-laying technician 

5.     Project advisor for tile and pre-cast concrete-installations 

6.     Teacher.


1-    Company Manager/Executive ;

2-    Mechanical manufacturing technician ;

3-    Adviser ;

4-    Teacher.


1-    Company Manager/Executive ;

2-    Technician in sustainable housing design and planning;

3-    Teacher.

Multiform partnerships

Create synergy and complementarity of actions with institutions in various sectors

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Get In Touch

The world's largest company dedicated to industrial automation and info, makes its customers more productive and the world more sustainable.

  • 4421 Cliffside, Binghamton, NY 1391
  • (012) 345 - 6789
  • hello@example.com

Working Hours

  • Mon: 8am - 7pm
  • Tue: 8am - 7pm
  • Wed: 8am - 7pm
  • Thu: 8am - 7pm
  • Fri: 8am - 7pm
  • Sat: 8am - 7pm
  • Sun: Closed